Since I'm in denial about winter, rather than do some snow/winter art as I often do in November, I am doing some nature art with some frosty hues and blue tints! Here are a duo of jellyfish that i painted from photos that I took in the aquarium at the Houston Zoo. Taking pictures through glass with a non-professional camera of course is challenging at best but I think it worked out. This painting is now for sale on Etsy.
You can see the photos that I worked from below:

I usually don't work from photos, but just go straight to the imagination, even though I really enjoy having a reference photo...most of the things i want to paint don't exist in the real world so that's a bit challenging!
Lighting is (well, almost) everything when it comes to photography, isn't it, because I took some pictures with the "museum" setting of the rocks and crystals at the Houston Museum of Natural Science and even though I wasn't doing anything but pushing a button, some of the pictures turned out quite lovely. If this was in a catalog I'd want to buy it!

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